
We Will Hear Your Cry: Intro to Critical Reading and Writing



ASSESSMENT #1: Formal Exam

To begin your task of becoming a critical reader and writer, you will first be assessed on the following critical reading components taken from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and your class notes.

  1. Who is the narrator of the novel?
  2. What are the 5 types of narration?
  3. What type of insight does the narrator provide into the his/her own thoughts, feelings, and opinions and well as those of the other characters in the novel?
  4. What is the setting of the novel?
  5. What type of atmosphere does the setting create?
  6. Does the setting aid or hinder plot development?
  7. Which specific type of conflict do all the characters experience at some point in the novel?
  8. What are the types of conflict?
  9. Which type of character(s) are Stacey, Little Man, Mama, Papa, Big Ma, and Cassie?
  10. What are the types of characterization?
  11. Does the narrator ever offer his/her opinion on something rather than simple fact-telling?
  12. What is the difference between fact and opinion?
  13. What is the tone of the novel?
  14. What methods are used to establish the tone?
  15. Does the tone change at the end of the novel?
  16. What is tone?

ASSESSMENT #2: Written Essay and Formal Presentation

The second key grade you will be receiving for this unit will be an exam grade on your cultural response-news article.

To prepare for this assignment, be thinking of answers to the following questions while investigating the novel yourself:

  1. What was life like for an African-American person in Mississippi at this time?
  2. What would it feel like to experience racism for the first time?
  3. What would it feel like to realize the color of your skin prevents you from being accepted and tolerated?
  4. What was it like being poor and socially outcast at the same time?
  5. What was the opinion African-Americans held for the violence committed against them by the white people they worked for and lived with?

Also, begin considering what type of event you would like to cover in your news article.

  • Do you want to highlight the shameful abuse and racism experienced by Southern blacks?
  • Do you want to step into the shoes of an African-American person and analyze their day-to-day fight with racism?
  • Do you want to interview a white Southerner and gather evidence as to why and how they may (or may not) advocate racism?

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