
We Will Hear Your Cry: Intro to Critical Reading and Writing




  1. Print out the questions provided for you on the "Task" page.
  2. Begin answering these questions on your own, during your own investigations of the text of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.
  3. Double check and update your answers during classroom lectures and discussions.
  4. Save your answers and study your questions as a great study guide for the test at the end of the unit.


  • STEP 1: Individual Preparation
  1. Print out the questions provided for you on the "Task" page.
  2. Begin answering these questions on your own, during your own investigations.
  3. Keep up with your answers to these questions because they will help you in writing your news article.
  • STEP 2: Creating Your Group
  1. You will be assigned to a group of two or more students.
  2. Write down a suggestion for your group members and turn them into me by the second day of the unit.
  3. By the beginning of the news article writing-prep, you will know who your group members are.
  4. Meet with your group in class at least twice to discuss and compare answers to the questions you are keeping up with.
  5. Decide on 3 roles within your group: (1) Leader, (2) Secretary, and (3) Organizer.
  6. Leader print out the "Group Log and Information" sheet at the bottom and give it to Secretary, who is responsible for filling it out. Organizer, you will keep up with the actual sheets.
  • STEP 3: Deciding on Your Topic
  1. Choose your topic from one of the following suggestions:
    • Do you want to highlight the shameful abuse and racism experienced by Southern blacks?
    • Do you want to step into the shoes of an African-American person and analyze their day-to-day fight with racism?
    • Do you want to interview a white Southerner and gather evidence as to why and how they may (or may not) advocate racism?
  2. Begin the writing process by brainstorming how you want to approach the topic you have chosen and what material you would like to include in your article.
  3. Visit each of the following websites and write three short journal entries on the information you have discovered there:
  • STEP 4: Preparation for the First Draft
  1. Look over handout titled "Common Errors in Print Media," attached below. Also print out the format sheet for the article titled "Article Format."
  2. Visit the following websites to supplement the handouts.
  3. Visit the following websites for examples of well constructed news articles.
  • STEP 5: Write the Article
  1. In your group compose your first draft. Secretary will record the draft; Organizer will assemble all needed information and thoughts you have recorded; Leader will assist in composing of draft and including personal thoughts and feelings accurately.
  2. Secretary will keep a log of individual performance(s) on the sheet provided below titled "Group Log and Information."
  3. Revise and edit first draft. Secretary will record all revisions made; Organizer will gather any other information needed to prepare for second draft; Leader will suggests revisions and other key editions to article.
  4. Prepare a second draft.
  5. Turn second draft into me for a quiz grade.
  6. Revise and edit second draft to create final draft.
  7. Prepare bibliography if any outside information was used in article.
  • STEP 6: Presentation
  1. Discuss how article will be presented.
  2. Secretary record ideas and turn them into me for approval.
  3. Share article with class, illustrating evidence of the writing process and group collaboration.


  • Your assessment on the content of the novel and critical skills will be an individual grade!
  • Your presentation of your news article, and all other quiz grades leading up to the final presentation, will be group grades.
    • Each member of the group will receive the same grade UNLESS efforts among group members were not equal. THEN a CONFERENCE will be held with each group member to determine the proper grade for each member.
    • A rubric, included on the "Evaluation Page" of this website, is how your grade for the presentation and news article will be determined.
      • PRINT OUT THIS PAGE and use it to grade yourselves.



  • File
    Description: Common Errors in Print Media

  • File
    Description: Article Format

  • File
    Description: Group Log and Information

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