
We Will Hear Your Cry: Intro to Critical Reading and Writing




# Poor Fair Good Excellent Score
Group Collaboration Poor group collaboration shows 1.) little evidence of time taken together to prepare materials 2.) poor workmanship on the part of all members 3.) no collaboration at all Fair group collaboration shows 1.) time taken to prepare article and presentation, although some members may have not participated in presentation 2.) decent workmanship on the part of most members 3.) decent group collaboration, although one or more members did not contribute equally to the project goal Good group collaboration shows 1.) a great deal of evidence that time was taken to prepare article and presentation, while all members participated in presentation 2.) good workmanship among group members; no records of disputes, while no one group member dominated discussions 3.) good collaboration, with all members contributing equally to project goal Excellent group collaboration shows 1.) superior evidence of time taken together to prepare materials for article and presentation; all members participate equally in presentation 2.) excellent workmanship, with all members exceeding personal and group goals during meetings 3.) excellent collaboration; individual ideas are able to be clearly isolated and contribute well to the overall goal of the presentation. 15 pts
Evidence of the Writing Process 1.) No drafts of the article were submitted to be evaluated by the teacher 2.) Group logs do not include records of progression through stages of the writing process 3.) Article presented poorly composed and in need of serious revision and editing 4.) OR no final article draft was presented at all 5.) One of three topics was not chosen 1.) None or few drafts of article were submitted to teacher 2.) Group logs do not contain record of or lack information regarding progression through stages of writing process 3.) Article presented aloud is composed but still in need of revision and editing 4.) One of the three topics was chosen but not fully developed 1.) Most or all of the article drafts were submitted to teacher 2.) Group logs contain most or all records of stages of the writing process 3.) Article is well-formulated, with little or no need of revision or editing 4.) One of the three topics was chosen and well developed 1.) All drafts of article were submitted for teacher evaluation 2.) Group logs show clear recording of all stages of the writing process 3.) Article is well-formulated, with no need of revision or editing 4.) One of the three topics was chosen and developed superbly 35 pts
News Article Format, Final Draft, and Bibliography 1.) Lacking final draft turned in on day of presentation 2.) No bibliography if outside sources were used 3.) Incorrect format of article itself 1.) Final draft turned in on day of presentation but was not typed in required format 2.) No or incorrectly formated bibliography 3.) Incorrect format of article itself 1.) Final draft turned in on day of presentation but formatting may be incorrect 2.) Bibliography provided but may be incorrect format or lacking key sources 3.) Correct article format, although there may be some errors which deter from presentation 1.) Final draft turned in on day of presentation in correct format with no major errors in format 2.) Bibliography provided with no major errors in format or lack of key sources 3.) Correct article format with no major errors which deter from presentation 15 pts
Group Presentation 1.) Did not meet time requirement 2.) One or fewer members of group participated, with those not participating causing a distraction for the audience 3.) Little or no eye contact was made with audience 1.) Did not meet time requirement 2.) One or fewer members of group participated, with little or not audience distractions 3.) Little or no eye contact made with audience 1.) Did meet time requirement, although may have gone over or fallen short by no more than 45 seconds. 2.) All members presented equally 3.) Made sufficient eye contact with the audience but did not call for audience participation 1.) Did meet the time requirement, although may have gone over or fallen short by no more than 30 seconds 2.) All members presented equally, with outstanding presentations given by each individual member 3.) Made sufficient eye contact with the audience and called for audience participation 35 pts

Total Score: 100 pts

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