
The Crusades: Clashing Worldviews During the Medieval Period

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NOTE:  This lesson is not designed to be a substitute for in-class instruction but rather serves as a supplement allowing the student to think and learn independently and to expand his/her knowledge base while appealing to various learning styles.  This lesson was designed for the average child with previous instruction on using the Internet, PowerPoint, YouTube, and Word.  The student will be assessed from this lesson based on core knowledge (20 question quiz) and the ability to synthesize that knowledge and personal research to produce a PowerPoint presentation and summary report for in-class use/submission.  The rubric provided can be added to or altered for individual class use.  Hopefully this lesson will enhance your individual class instruction and help the students learn more and enhance their research abilities and classroom performance.  Through this lesson your students will improve their ability to read, research, analyze and synthesize data, produce their own product/work, increase their use of technology for educational purposes, and enhance their knowledge base and writing skills.  Individual students may need additional support regarding construction of the PowerPoint presentation and the summary report.  Also, individual instructors should construct a rubric for the summary report (not provided in this lesson).  This lesson also may not be suitable for those with hearing or sight impairment.  Another limitation of this lesson is that it does not emphasize the Islamic worldview but rather focuses on a more traditional worldview associated with Christianity. 

and learning about the Crusades is crucial to understanding not only what
happened many centuries ago but how similar conflicts arise today.   A better understanding of the lessons of
history enables us to apply that knowledge to the rubric of current events.  If we fail to learn from past events we will
inevitably make similar errors that may have disastrous consequences.  Learning vicariously through studying the
past is easier than having to walk onto the battlefield.

This lesson was designed around Florida standards (see floridastandards.org) benchmark number SS.912.W.3.8
(Identify important
figures associated with the Crusades) for 9-12 and seeks to go beyond the requirements covering aspects of all areas listed below:

SS.912.W.3.In.h Recognize effects of the European response to Islamic
expansion, such as the Crusades and the Reconquista

SS.912.W.3.Su.h Recognize that the Crusades were a key European response
to Islamic expansion

SS.912.W.3.Pa.h Recognize people fight for their religious beliefs.
     Recognize that religion influences
culture (SS.912.W.3.Pa.a) (SS.912.W.3.Pa.c) (SS.912.W.3.Pa.d)

that there is more than one religion (SS.912.W.3.Pa.b)
people fight for their religious beliefs (SS.912.W.3.Pa.g) (SS.912.W.3.Pa.h)

change of leadership over time (SS.912.W.3.Pa.i) (SS.912.W.3.Pa.n)

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