
The Crusades: Clashing Worldviews During the Medieval Period



      This lesson is an opportunity for you to expand your knowledge of the Crusades and to gain a better understanding of the complexities of the events especially related to the causes, events, and consequences.  You will do the following things during this lesson: 

       1.      Recognize distinctions between the key tenets of Christianity and Islam
2.       Read and examine primary documents related to the Crusades
3.       Learn about key characters related to the Crusades
4.       Watch video on the First Crusade and Fourth Crusade
5.     Make your own PowerPoint on the Peasant's Crusade

5.       Take a quiz on key dates, individuals, and events related to the Crusades
6.       Write a summary of your perspective on the Crusades that includes dealing with the
        causes and consequences of the
Crusades focusing on the influence of religion.    

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