
The Crusades: Clashing Worldviews During the Medieval Period



1. Students will take a twenty question quiz based on their reading that covers understanding of key persons, dates, locations, and events related to the Crusades. (40 points total)

2. Students will produce a Powerpoint presentation on the Peasant's Crusade based on their external reading and synthesis examining the causes, location, events, and conclusion.  (20 points total)

3. Students will produce a written summary paper on the Crusades that includes:  (40 points total)

Recognizes that Crusades were a response to Islamic expansionism in the Middle East, including acts against those on pilgrimages in Jerusalem. (5 pts)

Describing religious distinctions between Christianity and Islam and the importance of religion in decision making by individuals.  (10 pts)

Recognition that there is more than one religion, that religion influences culture, and that people fight for their religious beliefs.  (5 pts)

        d. D
istinguishes between various crusades and can associate individuals with particular crusades.  (10 pts)

Student produces conclusions in his/her own words synthesizing the causes and consequences of the Crusades focusing on religious worldview.  (10 pts)

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