
The Crusades: Clashing Worldviews During the Medieval Period



1. Step 1:  View the Powerpoint (Resource 1) in the slideshow format on Christianity versus Islam.  Make sure to write down your thoughts based on the last slide as that will help prepare you for the culminating assignment in this lesson.

2. Step 2:  Read the words of Gregory VII (Resource 2) who called for a crusade approximately twenty years prior to Urban II.  Note the questions to ponder after reading his speech.

3. Step 3:  Read the speech of Urban II (Resource 3) given at Clermont that officially launched the beginning of the Crusades.  Answer the follow-up questions.

4. Step 4:  View the Powerpoint (Resource 4) covering the 7 official Crusades.  Make sure to read the individual articles and answer the follow-up questions.

5. Step 5:  On your own search the Internet and prepare a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation on the Peasant's Crusade.  Include the following slides:  A) Introduction; B) Causes; C) Map; D) Events; E) Conclusion; and F) References.   See Rubric for specific grading requirements.

6. Step 6:  Read the account of the Children's Crusade (Resource 5) and answer the accompanying questions.

7. Step 7:  View the video on the First Crusade (Resource 6) and consider how the crusaders took Jerusalem and the results.

8. Step 8:  View the video on the Fourth Crusade (Resource 7)

9. Step 9:  Review materials and questions and then take the Crusades quiz

10. Step 10:  Write a summary paper on the Crusades that includes:
       a. Why Crusades were launched
       b. Distinctions between Christianity and Islam
       c. Importance of religion on culture and decision-making
       d. Identify distinctives of various crusades and individuals
       e. Synthesize causes/consequences of Crusades related to worldview
       f. See Rubric given in class for specific grading requirements

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