
Can feudalism be used as an effective form of government?

Mission Report: Task


Welcome to Medieval Europe.  The land during this period, like ours, is lacking a strong centralized government.

While you are here your task is to answer one question: can the the system of government, economics, and society used by the Europeans during the Medieval Era be used by the people of this post-apocalyptic era to create a functional society?  Or to put a little more basically: can Feudalism and everything that went with it successfully govern a society?

We have provided you with ancient writing devices so that you won't stick out too much from the locals.  What you write on is called "paper."  What you write with is called a "pencil" or "pen."  You will use these writing tools to create a flipbook, in which you will take notes on all of the information you will need to answer the question above.  A shell of a flipbook has been provided for your reference.

When all is said and done you will return to our time and do one of two things in the last section of your flipbook:

1) Create a flyer which either persuades or dissuades people from using Feudalism as a system of government.
2) Write a persuasive essay which either persuades or dissuades people from using Feudalism as a system of government.

More detail on both of these options will be revealed in the next section of your Mission Report.

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