
Can I Persuade You?

Teacher Page


The preceding activity was done in order for the students to develop and understanding on the structure and elements of a persuasive text and writing.  Students were taught about the different types of persuasive techniques used when writing.  It was also intended to provide learning on how to evaluate and produce persuasive text in order to respond appropiately to persuasion in their lives.


Regarding to the English curriculum of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico, the activity was prepared based on the following content standard and learning objectives:


L/S 9.3: Uses appropriate language structure to express opinions integrating comparison and contrast statements.

L/S 9.5: Explains the lain idea or topic and important details from learning concepts or readings.


R 9.1: Establishes purpose, states author's purpose when writing.

R 9.5: Distinguishes between fact and opinion in writing texts; states and paraphrases main idea and selects important details.


W9.3: Applies organizational patterns and the elements of persuasive forms of writings to construct a composition (e.i.formal letter)


I would like to give credit to the website address: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-write-a-formal-letter.html from where I obtained the neccesary information to guide both myself and my students in the theme. Also I would like to say that the images used in each of the sections were taken out from the section of images on www.google.com.


My advice to other teachers is to use all the available resources needed and available at time when they are seen, to make classes more engaging and interesting toward their students. Always try new things to experience by yourself how do they work and if one thing doesn't work at first, modify it in order to make it functional for you.

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