
Can I Persuade You?



          Congratulations.  Now that you have had the opportunity to write a formal letter, I hope you have enjoyed this activity. I would like you to reflect on what you have done; this is, the writing process you went through and what you have learned from it.  What did you like or didn't like about this activity? How do you think this activity may help you in your life?  Record your impressions in your journal notebook.

          The purpose of this writing activity was to guide you in the learning process, specifically how to write a formal letter.  Nowadays, due to the advances of technology there is a wrong impression that there is no need to know how to write a letter.  On the contrary, we need to gain knowledge and experience on this field so we can be able to learn to express our ideas properly.  Knowing on how to say the things we want to say appropriate may open unimaginable doors oft succees while persuing our goals. Remember anything that you can learn for good, doesn't harm.         

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