
Can I Persuade You?



Do you know that a formal letter is an official letter, and it may be written to different people for different purposes. This letter follows a well-defined format, in contrast to an informal one.

In spite of the expansive use of electronic communication during these days, a lot of companies still like best to have their official communications written in black and white. Written letters, in the form of formal/business letters, help businesses in long-term record-keeping as to mantain tangible evidence of different business correspondences.

A letter is a form of written communication, that has information to be send from the sender to the receiver.  Additionally, is a kind of written correspondence between two unrelated/unknown  parties, for business/official purposes. It has to be written following a certain set of rules, and has a circumscribe format. It should be short and precise, and include only relevant pieces of information that the writer intends to communicate to the reader.

The activity organized for you to serve as a practice of how to write a formal letter is an extention to the article read in class: "The Science Behind Extreme Sports".  You will be ask to write a formal letter to the authorites in charge of the LAI.  The task will specifically  consist of writing a formal letter to convince them why you consider such extreme sport of your interest shoud be included in the next LAI competencies. The next part will guide you through the parts of a formal letter and provide you with an internet address that shows a formal letter looks like.

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