
The Lost Roanoke Colony

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Mississippi Social Studies Framework
Fifth Grade
Domestic Affairs
1. Understand the people, events, and types of government associated with the development of the United States.
c. Identify significant European supporters (e.g., King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella) and explorers (e.g., Cortez, Ponce de Leon, Hernando De Soto) and the settlements they established (e.g., Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth).
(DOK 3)

Mississippi Science Framework
Fifth Grade
1. Develop and demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry using process skills.
h. Infer and describe alternate explanations and predictions. (DOK 3)

Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
Grade 5 Students
Text Types and Purposes
• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1a Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1b Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1d Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

NCSS Thematic Standards:
• Culture - the culture of the Roanoke colonists and how their culture may have been integrated into the Native American culture.
• People, Places, and Environments - the Roanoke colonists, the Native Americans, the environment that may have contributed to the reason of their disappearance
• Individual Development and Identity - how the Roanoke colonists developed in the New World
• Individual Groups & Institutions - the Roanoke colonists and the Native Americans
• Global Connections - the Roanoke colonists coming to the New World from England

Disciplines of Social Studies:
• Geography
• History


Website Citations:

Fox news. (2012, May 7). Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/05/07/new-clue-to-mystery-lost-roanoke-colony/

Hughart, M. (2012). Arcgis - lost roanoke colony map. [Web Map]. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/YMrEkV

Roanoke island [Web]. (2009). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs0KuB6N9Uk

The lost colony of roanoke, 1588. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://theshadowlands.net/roanoke.htm

Totally history. (2011). Retrieved from http://totallyhistory.com/roanoke-island-mystery/

What happened to the “lost colony” of roanoke?. (2012, October 3). . Retrieved from http://www.history.com/news/ask-history/what-happened-to-the-lost-colony-of-roanoke

Image Resources:
Hughart, M. (2012). Arcgis - lost roanoke colony map. [Web Map]. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/YMrEkV

Saddle Rock Teachers and Children (Photographer). (1999). Meet our..classroom teachers. Retrieved from http://www.greatneck.k12.ny.us/gnps/sr/classroomteachers2.html

Thomas, H. (Photographer). (1950 ). Brief and true account of the new found land of virginia. Retrieved from http://ncpedia.org/history/colonial/roanoke-island

Tumblr. (Photographer). (n.d.). The lost colony. Retrieved from http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/roanoke-island

(n.d.). Roanoke colony. Retrieved from http://site.k8websites.com/0506/13colonies/roanoke_colony.html

(2012). Free printable wanted poster invitations. (2012). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://yeditepeyurt.wordpress.com/2012/11/04/free-printable-wanted-poster-invitations/

(2012). Lost colony of roanoke:how many people vanished?.(2012).Retrieved from http://annoyzview.wordpress.com/2012/01/09/lost-colony-of-roanoke-how-people-vanished/

Wikia (Photographer). (n.d.). The suite life wiki . Retrieved from http://suitelife.wikia.com/wiki/File:A+.jpg

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