
The Lost Roanoke Colony



Now that you have read the introduction and the task at hand, you will begin your research on the following:

You will watch the "Lost Roanoke Colony Video" posted on this page. 

After you have watched the video you will begin searching through the bookmarked websites provided in the Phase 1: Exploration area.

As you are searching the bookmarked websites begin hypothesizing a theory you strongly agree with for your writing assignment.


Web Link
Phase 3: Assessment of investigation
Description: Now that you have completed your investigation, write a persuasive paper, that includes at least three well developed paragraphs, about what you believe happened the lost Roanoke colony. You should cite evidence from bookmarked websites to support your theory. Your explanation can be based off one particular theory or a combination of theories.

Web Link
Phase 1: Exploration
Description: Below are bookmarked websites that will aid in your investigation of the lost Roanoke Colony. While looking at the sites, look for evidence that you can use to support your theory of what happened to the colonist.
Phase 2: Brainstorming
Description: Now that you have visited the bookmarked website, you need to begin brainstorming on possible theories to write your paper on. You may use any prewriting activities that we have discussed in language arts.(examples topic clusters, concept web, semantic maps)

Web Link
Lost Roanoke Colony Video

Description: Make sure to watch video starting at 3:06 and stop watching at 6:06

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