
Nations of the Western Hemisphere

Teacher Page


This Webquest is designed to give students an understanding of various Ancient Nations of the Western Hemisphere, aligning with the Kansas Curricular Standards for History and Government; Economic and Geography Education.  

Giving adequate time for research, reflection, and project creation, plan on dedicating two weeks to this learning activity.  

This Webquest utilizes several videos from www.youtube.com.  To ensure your students' ability to view the videos, check your security settings and administrator regulations before beginning the Webquest.  

This Webquest also asks students to bring in relevant items from home.  Make sure to discuss with your students what items are appropriate for a classroom setting.  


Kansas Curricular Standards for History & Government; Economics & Geography Education (Fifth Grade)

Economics Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of major economic concepts, issues, and
systems, applying decision-making skills as a consumer, producer, saver, investor, and citizen of Kansas and the United
States living in an interdependent world.
Benchmark 1: The student understands how limited resources require choices.
1. explains how scarcity of resources requires individuals,
communities, states, and nations to make choices about goods and
services (e.g., what food to eat, type of housing to live in, how to
use land).

Geography Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of the spatial organization of Earth’s surface and
relationships between peoples and places and physical and human environments in order to explain the interactions that
occur in Kansas, the United States, and in our world.
Benchmark 5: Human-Environment Interactions: The student understands the effects of interactions between
human and physical systems.
2. identifies the relationship between the acquisition and use of
natural resources and advances in technology using historical and
contemporary examples (e.g., compass for navigation, water
power, steel plow).

Kansas, United States, and World History
History Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, ideas,
events, eras, and developments in the history of Kansas, the United States, and the world, utilizing essential analytical and
research skills.
Benchmark 4: The student engages in historical thinking skills.
5. observes and draws conclusions.


Fifth Grade Social Studies Curricular Standards

Welcome Page Image

Task Page Image

Conclusion Page Image

Nations Collage:
Aztec - https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-hZ7IHUi7nshd8bFy8mPN9Q1uCh6TUDKk-zEWwHVzvnBgHiTc
Pueblo Pottery - https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWXUCunJeXpcGc6C0hQtP6M9-y4Mz2DUuLIeJE987IeBAKXMkd
Mound - https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxgkdSjS_tHMi78p3fcjh1U-0VdkF99eDMvR6U4a4rg3ADO2Z3Fg
Machu Picchu (Inca) - https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRc3yLAMFStt8isRqhsAuus0u5wjWBiBv4Dl_EgY79mXU9KLf1IKQ
Mayan - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyguXgloje42xWDLrTMv_LZ-sBxcmaYMAQ9KW9Nf5BnepLNY8x

Evaluation Page Image

Teacher Page Image


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