
Nations of the Western Hemisphere



 Where is the Western Hemisphere?  Did you know that you are living in it? Who lived here before you and what was their life like?  When did they get here?  Why did they come?  There are endless questions you can ask about the ancient nations of the Americas.  And when you walk down the street in your hometown, you may be walking where an ancient tribe walked before Christopher Columbus or anyone from Europe ever set foot in our part of the world.

There were different groups of people living in the Western Hemisphere in the areas that we call the Western United States, Eastern United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America. They ate different foods, lived in different shelters, dressed differently, had different governments, and basically lived differently than you do today. What are some of these differences? Have you ever worn pants made of animal skins?  Made beads out of rocks you found on the beach?  Have you witnessed a sacrifice?   In this webquest, you will get to discover the fascinating life-styles of some of the ancient nations in our Western Hemisphere.  

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