
Nations of the Western Hemisphere



Your groups will take turns presenting the information that you have discovered, as Experts, to the class, by using your posters,Nation Discovery Plans, and your Nation in a Box. 

Once all of the Experts for the different nations have finished presenting their information, your nation groups will participate in a class discussion over what the nations had in common and how they are different.  Make sure that all members of your group participate in this activity!  

After the Comparison/Contrast discussion, you will all take your Nation Extension Questions around the room to the different posters and Nation Boxes and, on your own, reflect on the Nations' lifestyles and answer your Extension Questions.  

You will be graded on the information in your Nation Discovery Plans, the relevancy of the items in your Nation in a Box, the clarity of your poster, your group's ability to work together, and on the Nation Extension Questions that you turn in.  Make sure to look at the rubric for the guidelines!  


# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Discovery Plan and Nation Extension Questions Gives answers to several questions/has incorrect answers Gives answers to most questions Gives answers to all questions Gives detailed answers to all questions 1 - 4
Discovery Poster Sloppy, distracting appearance. 5+ spelling mistakes. very little information Not very neat in appearance. 3 - 4 spelling mistakes. Some information Mostly neat appearance. 1 - 2 spelling mistakes. Appropriate, complete information Pleasing, neat appearance. No spelling mistakes. Appropriate, complete information 1 - 4
Nation in a Box Less than 3 items in Box. Box was not decorated. Items not relevant to Nation. 3 - 4 items in Box. Box decorating incomplete. Items sort of relevant to Nation. 4 - 5 items in Box. Box decorated according to Nation's art. Items relevant to Nation. 6+ items in Box. Box decorated in detail according to Nation's art. Items very relevant to Nation. 1 - 4
Group Work Not all members participated. Group argued, couldn't work together. Members contribute little. Group had trouble working together. Members all contribute most of the time. Group worked together well most of the time and worked through disagreements. Members contribute to all discussions. Group worked together, listened to others' ideas, and worked through disagreements. 1 - 4

Total Score: 4 - 16


  • Nation Extension Questions
    Description: Print your Nation Extension Question Sheet and answer the questions about each nation presented!

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