
Responding to Natural Hazards - Cyclone Larry

Teacher Page


This learning task has been constructed as a multi-purpose ICT learning and teaching tool. The task can be utilised by teachers, student teachers, students and is evidence of effective use of ICT within classrooms. 

It is focused towards the Queensland Senior Geography syllabus as a learning activity for the core unit below.

Theme 1: Managing the natural environment.
Core unit 1: Responding to natural hazards.

This WebQuest, meets the requirement of the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Geography syllabus, 2007, which states that for students to meet the exit criteria, they must be exposed to and have knowledge of ICT. This task also aligns with the Smart Classroom initiative to integrate ICT as an integral part of learning. Within geography it is recognised that exposing students to effective ICT allows for flexibe learning.

The use of ICT and computer research-based learning enables teachers to develop interactive approaches to learning, where students investigate real-life situations and current issues. ICT within this geography context, responding to natural hazards, can help students to develop higher-order thinking skills, information literacy and active citizenship skills. 

The WebQuest has been created to enhance learning and teaching for the following audience:

Teachers - The WebQuest is an easy tool for teachers to access for the purpose of flexible learning within the classroom. Within this WebQuest there are mutliple examples of effective ways to use ICT within the classroom. Teachers can use this WebQuest as a total learning tool or adapt sections from it for their own specific purpose. Specific examples of ICT tools are the links to Cyclone information within the Process section of the WebQuest. These links are sourced from Australian Government agencies such as the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and the Australian Government Emergency Management Agency (EMA) which enable teachers to be confident that students are researching responsible and ethical information.

The attachments used in the Process section of the WebQuest include links to visual, audio and written media which aligns with Mayer's 2001 principles for design of multi media learning. Specifically Mayer's, 2001 Multimedia principle which states that 'people learn better from words and pictures rather than from words alone'. 

Student Teachers - This WebQuest will allow student teachers to gain knowledge of how ICT can be utilised within the classroom. This WebQuest is set up for easy access of information and could be used as a good example of a lesson plan. It culminates not only an effective group and presentation activity but also has an example of an authentic QSA Senior Geography assessment item. This is evidenced within the Evaluation section of the WebQuest which includes a criteria rubric. Student teachers also have access to the URL links and attachments which provides them with effective ICT resources.

Students - This WebQuest is designed for students who have access to a computer with Internet capabalities. It is flexible learning because it can be accessed not only within the standard school environment, but also externally where internet access is provided. The benefit of this WebQuest for students is that they have access to mutli-media learning. Students have varied activities to keep them engaged in the learning process. The direct links to authentic URL web pages enables students to develop effective research and authentic knowledge based learning. Students are expected to utilise email as well as link to media sites such as ABC news and BBC news. This exposes students to appropriate News Media covering real social issues.

Education Authorities - This WebQuest is a further tool of evidence to present to prospective education employers. The use of multi media, computer based research and authentic assessment is easily accessed and can be utilised as evidence of a good ICT teaching tool.

A philosophy of teaching has been included within the Author section so that perspective employers can view this WebQuest and get a picture of what my views and beliefs are towards teaching.

This WebQuest is evidence of the requirement of the QSA Geography syllabus, 2007 that student learning experiences within the focus unit of 'Responding to natural hazards' are based on students being involved in active investigation of questions. These questions are incorporated in the evaluation rubric of the WebQuest.

Specific Evidence within the WebQuest is as follows:

1. WebQuest - Multi-purpose tool for teachers, peers students and employers. It shows evidence of the execution of flexible learning incorporating multi media principles.

- Including the learning task, learning process and teacher assessment. There is also a teacher profile section.

2. Interactive Web links
- Student research, student-teacher and teacher knowledge information.

3. Attachments
a. Visual presentation slide - This includes visual photograph comparing Darwin roof structures pre and post Cyclone Tracy (Student and teacher resource).

b. Research and reflection booklet (student and teacher assessment item).

c. Multi media PDF links to Australian Broadcasting (ABC) audio news report, links to visual BBC news report and text link to ABC related news articles. (student, teacher and evidence of use of mult media for prospective employers).

4. An online survey
has also been included created from the  Survey Monkey website. It focuses on reflection of students learning journey (student reflection, evidence of teacher reflection and evaluation).



Australian Government Emergency Management Australia http://www.wma.gov.au

Bureau of Meterology http://www.bom.gov.au

Geoscience Australia www.ga.gov.au

Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia Learning New York: Cambridge University Press.

Queensland State Authority, 2007. Geography http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/syllabus/2053.html

Survey Monkey www.surveymonkey.com/



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