
The "Bare Necessities" of Healthy Living

Teacher Page


This is a unit to help 3rd/4th graders learn more about the food pyramid, food groups, nutritional value they get from a proper diet, the importance of exercise and how often they need to participate in physical activites to receive the benefits. 

Prior to this webquest, it would be helpful to share the way the USDA's food pyramid looks different in many books and other sources, and why it was recently modified. 

The standards taught through this unit were:

Science Standards

*Discuss the nutritional value of various foods and their contribution to health. (

Health Standards

*Demonstrate comprehension of basic concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention by identifying and describing relationships between well-being and the health-related behaviors in nutrition.
*Describe how culture, media, technology, and other factors influence health behavior as related to nutrition.

Physical Education Standards

* Demonstrate comprehension of basic concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention by identifying and describing relationships between well-being and the health-related behaviors in the two content areas.

*Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risk.

*Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.


Many websites and books were used as resources for this unit and may be found throughout the webquest. 

As especially important website was: www.mypyramid.gov

Graphics were gotten from: www.animationfactory.com   


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