
The "Bare Necessities" of Healthy Living



Wow!  We live in a world where we can do things so fast.  We can find answers to almost any question in the blink of an eye on the internet, we can talk to friends anytime we want with email, text messaging or by talking on our cell phones.  We can drive through and order any meal of the day in minutes.  Today, children 8 and older spend over 4.5 hours a day watching TV, playing video games, or using the computer.  Did you every wonder what these modern day conveniences are doing to your health? 

Today, more than 15% of kids (or one out of every 7) the ages of 6-19 are overweight.  Do you think our lifestyle has anything to do with it?  Learn to make healthy decisions.  During this webquest, you will learn the power of POSITIVE choices, and how KNOWLEDGE can help you to become healthy and fit.

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