
The "Bare Necessities" of Healthy Living



You become the experts.  You and a partner are going to go on a journey that just may help you and others you care about start living a healthier lifestyle.  But to do that, you need to be armed with some answers.  What are the “Bare Necessities” of life?  What is a healthy diet?  How much food do we need?  What kinds of foods are best?  Why?  What can happen if we don’t eat a healthy diet? What can exercise do for your body?  How much is needed?  What kinds of activities are considered a good form of exercise?  What can happen if we don’t get enough physical activity?

Wow!  What a lot of questions.  In order for you to become fit and healthy, you need to know the answers to those questions so that YOU can make positive choices in your life and teach others to do the same. So come on!  Let's get searching! 

Part of this quest will be done together, and other parts will be done individually.  You will each choose one of the jobs and do your own research.  Then you will come back together to put what you’ve learned to work for others. 

The two of you together will:
#1. create TWO Daily Menus with healthy food choices for kids your age.  You may include one meal from a fast food place, but be sure to make smart choices.
#2. select TWO healthy recipes that you would enjoy.
#3. come up with TWO physical activities that can be done to keep kids fit. 

*All partners will create these pages, and then they will all be placed together to make a class book:  The Bare Necessities of Life.

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