
One’s Right To Vote!



Research the history of the vote for women in Canada. Investigate one of the main leaders in the Canadian fight for the vote, Nellie McClung. As well as the current issue of apathy regarding voting in Canada.

From your research develop your artist statement presenting a well formulated opinion regarding one’s right to vote.

Elements of art will be used to develop, express, and create your visual statement regarding social justice and social responsibility using a variety of mediums – photography, drawing, painting, text and/or mixed media.

Through the creative process students will explore their feelings, opinions, and ideas about human rights, social justice and social responsibility. They will be encouraged to think critically, develop a strong literary and visual statement expressing their opinion on women’s rights in honour of the 90th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in Canada and one’s own right to vote. Their works will be used in a voting awareness campaign for the up coming Municipal and Provincial elections.


Students will develop a resource list and share their resources in the first class discussion. The teacher will also provide a resource list handout to the students in the second class discussion, referring students to main figures in history regarding the topic of Canadian women's right to vote, frequently asked question sites, time lines, and current events to help direct students to reputable starting point links. This is a website research assignment.


Image from: http://www.ipu.org/images/women/suffrage/suffrage.jpg

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