
One’s Right To Vote!



Welcome: One’s Right To Vote!
Description: Canadian women celebrate the 90th anniversary of the right to vote in federal elections. An Act to amend the provincial elections took place in BC in 1917 and the next provincial election is in May 2009. Municipal elections are gearing up for this November. What is all the hype about? What is so important about voting? Why should we participate in the voting process as women, as men, as Canadians? Image from: http://www.elections.ca/content.asp?section=gen&document=chap2&dir=his&lang=e&textonly=false
Grade Level: 6-8
Curriculum: Art / Music
Keywords: women, vote, visual literacy, suffrage movement, immigrants, religion, Inuit, Aboriginal peoples, Asian, apathy, elections- Federal, Provincial, and Municipal.
Author(s): Theresa Chadwick

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