
Festival celebrations



Evaluation Rubric


 Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Score

Organization Questions are not asnwered clearly,with many grammatical errors. Presentation is unclear. Presentation is clear. Students search the  links but fail to express all the necessary information. Presention is very clear. Students managed to answer correctly and achieved interaction with the links. %25


Students had many conflicts and were unable to cooperateand search the internet for the information required.

 Students had very few conflicts but were able to resolve them and made a satisfying presentation of the topic. 

Students had no conflicts, shared the work equally and the result was more than satisfying.



Only a few or no questions were answered. Only one group member spoke infront of the class.

Most questions were answered, although some were left our or unclear. Only two group members spoke infront of the class. All questions were answered and each group member spoke in front of the class. %50

Total Score: %100

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