
Race across China

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This activity is designed for five class periods.  This activity is designed for teams of two.  Each team starts their race with $1000.00.  All expenses must come out of this $1000.00.  Remind students this includes travel, food, lodging and all other expenses. If they run out of money they must get a job to earn the needed funds.   The teams start in Taiwan.  They must visit a city in Taiwan.  No formal set of questions are provided for this visit.  If they wish, they may use the set of questions provided in the Tourist Sites.  From Taiwan, they must enter China through Shanghai.  Extra credit is given if they can identify where the term "Getting Shanghaied" originated and what it means.  This is worth ten extra points. 
  The teams then race through China.  They must visit cities, religious sites, historical sites, schools, provinces, and families.  They must keep a dairy of their travels.  They must map their route.  A rubric is provided for grading. 

Materials needed
1. Computers
2. Printers

PA Standards addressed
Mathmatics: M11.A.2.1.1
Reading,Writing, Speaking and Listening : 1.8.11.B
Geography: 7.2.12
History: 8.4.12.B

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