
Computers: A Journey from Past to Future

Teacher Page



Participants will learn about computer and technological innovations from B.C. to present.

Participants will increase and utilize technology skills imbedded in this project (See relevent ISTE standards below).

Participants will analyze information to make connections about the relationships between historical events.

Participants will gather, discuss, analyze, and synthesize information to create a meaningful product (interactive timeline) in the context of inquiry-based activities.

Participants will gather, analyze, and synthesize information to make informed marketing predictions about the future of technology.

Participants will apply information to new situations in the form of a debriefing activity (presentation, panel discussion, peer review)

ITSE Standards (NETS) addressed: 

Standard 1b) proficiency in use of technology

Standards 2b) responsible use of technology, and c) demonstate positive attitude toward technology in support of lifelong learning, collaboration...and productivity

Standard 3a) use of technology to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Standard 3b) collaboration in constructing technology-enhanced models, publications and producing other creative works.

Standard 4b) use of a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively...

Standard 5a) use of technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. (research)

Standard 5c) evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations...

Standard 6a) use of technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions

Standard 6b) use of technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world.

*Modifications for Timeline assignment: Dates, facts and figures are only relevant insofar as they help to demonstrate the process or evolution of the computer. The most important factor is that students see the relationships between events in history. This timeline can be adjusted accordingly, depending on student needs and teacher judgement. To accomodate student needs, depending on learning objectives, I might allow omissions for such facts as the names of the inventor(s) or the formal citing of sources. I would only do so in order to spend more time and emphasis on how some innovations lead to others. The benefits of listing the names of the innovators is that their "stories" can be further reseached, discovered, and shared.

 Image credits

Title page image- fair use-cartoonstock.com

Task page image-fair use- gizmodo.com

Process page image- apoetsblues.typepad.com

Introduction page image- Fair use- mwe.co.za

Evaluation image- fair use- www.helpingfindyourrainbow.com

discussion panel/presentation image-fair use- Bookstore.com

Resource credits:

All downloadable worksheets by Sean Bollinger

Interactive timeline tutorial by 5MinLife Videopedia (www.5min.com)

All other sources cited in text.



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