
Nuclear power: Good vs bad

Teacher Page


Nuclear fission and fusion are part of state standards for introductory physical science and continue through chemistry and physics at the high school level.

This activity is a way to teach the unit that is
entirely student-centered.
This is a task encourages student and teacher participation and
collaboration.  It requires access to technology and planning by both the student and
the teacher.

    This web-quest will vary in length depending on the ability of your students.
    Introductory Level 4-5 class periods for research and collaboration; 1 day for presentation
    Upper level (2-3 class periods for research and collaboration, 1 day presentation
    Time can be given in an out of class to complete this assignment.
    Problems may present themselves (ie. student understanding, computer / internet access, systems crashing), be flexible.


Through radioactive decay, the unstable nucleus emits radiation in the form of very fast-moving particles
and energy to produce a new nucleus, thus changing the identity of the element. Nuclei that undergo this process are said to be radioactive. Radioactive isotopes have several medical applications. The radiation they release can be used to kill undesired cells (e.g., cancer cells).
Other examples of nuclear processes include nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission involves splitting a large nucleus into smaller nuclei, releasing large quantities of energy. Nuclear fusion is the joining of smaller nuclei into a larger nucleus accompanied by the release of large quantities of energy. Nuclear fusion is the process responsible for formation of all the elements in the universe beyond helium and the energy of the sun and the stars

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