
What's Cooking?



Your panel will need to locate a vast amount of material to review and evaluate.  Below find suggestions of ways to gather data.

  • Interviews - nutrition consultant or dietitian,  lunchroom supervisor, students
  • Surveys - survey monkey, written
  • Research  - (web) nutrition requirements for schools, hospitals, recipes, food values, bulk buying prices, handling procedures, holding time/temperatures
  • Lab prep - altering recipes, taste-testing recipes
What information do we already know? What other information would be helpful in making informed decisions? How should interviews be conducted?  How do we find the information we need to begin this process?  How do we find nutritional information?  How will your findings be presented?

Use the following as a self-pacing guide or to stimulate your thought processes:
  • Day 1 - Introduction of nutrition unit.  Select your research topic.  Present your idea to your instructor.
  • Day 2 - ORGANIZE - Ask yourselves, "What to do we need to know at the end of this project?  How do we get started?  Contacts? Research? Background?
  • Day 3 - 5 - Computer Research - Create a survey geared to your constituency - Prepare your questions for day 6.  Ask an expert.
  • Day 6 - Guest Expert - Dietitian
  • Day 7 -8 - Select recipes/nutrition facts/modify recipes - Visit the grocery store
  • Day 9 - Cost of ingredients/cost per serving - Figure nutrition information per serving
  • Day 10 - 17 - Lab trial of recipes
  • Day 18 - 20 Organize findings, summarize/reflect - create presentation - rehearse - Make it PROFESSIONAL
  • Day 21 -22- Presentation of project - PowerPoint, Prezi, iMovie, or Movie Maker -Menus and recipes as a handout published in Word or Publisher

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