
What's Cooking?



Does this look like a favorite lunch for you and a friend?   What is the nutritional content of the food in the picture above?  How much would this cost in the lunch room?  How much would this cost at Five Guys?  How much would it cost to prepare it yourself?

In the US today far too many people consume fast foods and prepared or packaged foods that may taste good or satisfy hunger but have little nutritional value.  How can this problem be addressed? You are about to become a nutrition expert.  You will need to explore all facets of meal planning such as,  budgeting, nutrition information, safe food handling procedures, as well as age related food preferences. 

Use your knowledge of nutrition and technical skills to plan and create meals for the scenario of your groups choosing.  Use the following list for inspiration to come up with the focus of your project, but don't let this list limit you!

  • School lunches in our middle/high school cafeteria
  • Elementary school lunches
  • Menus for day camp or church camp
  • Opening a new restaurant that specializes in healthy fare
  • Menus for athletes, (ex. runners, wrestlers, etc.)
  • Menus for a health spa
  • Menus to avoid the "freshman fifteen"
Discuss the focus of your study with your group, and then OK it with your teacher.

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