
What is Cloud Computing?



Your group will be evaluated based on the following criterion:

1) Did you provide an overview and general concept of Cloud Computing?

2) Did you list the advantages of Cloud Computing? (2-3 is best)

3) Did you list the disadvantages of Cloud Computing? (2-3 is best)

4) Did you describe the impacts of Cloud Computing as a learning tool in school? (2-3 is best)

5) Did your group provide a recommendation and explain your reasoning?

6) Did your report meet the length and citation requirements?



# Poor Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Overview and general concept of Cloud Computing No relevant information about the topic. Some relevant information about the topic. Some supporting facts. Sufficient relevant information about the topic. Several supporting facts. Extensive relevant information about the topic. Extensive supporting facts. 25%
List the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing No advantages or disadvantages listed. Missing one of either advantages or disadvantages. Advantages and disadvantages listed. Extensive and explained advantages and disadvantages listed. 25%
List the impacts of Cloud Computing as a learning tool in school. Present a recommendation to the school district with reasons. No impact or recommendation listed. Missing impact listing, recommendation, or reasons. Impact listed. Recommendation listed. Reason for recommendation given Extensive list of impact. Recommendation with extensive reasons. 25%
Report meets the length and citation requirements. Report meets neither the length and citation requirements. Report lacks either the length or citation requirements. Report meets both the length and citation requirements. Report exceeds the length requirement and meets the citation requirement. 25%

Total Score: 100

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