
Continent Adventure




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Research and Individual Travel Log Notes Browses/reads few websites and researches only some information. Notes in individual Travel Log are incomplete or contain inaccurate information. Browses/reads most websites listed and researches most information relating to own role/job. Notes in individual Travel Log are accurate, but may be incomplete. Browses/reads through all websites listed and researches all information relating to own role/job. Notes in individual Travel Log are complete and accurate. Browses/reads through all websites listed and researches more information than required for own role/job. Notes in individual Travel Log are complete and accurate. Includes extra detail or information. /25
Travel Brochure Group Project Travel Brochure is mostly neat and accurate, but lacks detail in many areas. Travel Brochure is mostly neat and accurate, but lacks detail in some areas. Travel Brochure is neat, detailed and accurate. Travel Brochure is neat, detailed and accurate. Includes some extra information or added creative detail. /25
Group Participation and Cooperation Lack of cooperation interfered with group performance. Completed less than fair share of work. Worked cooperatively most of the time or completed less than fair share of work. Worked cooperatively with group. Completed fair share of work. Worked cooperatively with group. Completed fair share of work. Helped guide the group, organize tasks and solve problems. /25
Venn Diagram ( Continent Comparison) Comparison lacks sufficient information to demonstrate knowledge of continent facts. Comparison may include some inaccurate information or may be partially incomplete. Comparison demonstrates knowledge of continent facts. Comparison demonstrates knowledge of continent facts and includes many details. /25

Total Score: /100

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