
Creating an Eco-Corner for the School

Teacher Page


This WebQuest has been created to be implemented in an English class of adult learners in the first year of vocational training to be Sociocultural and Tourist Animators. It has been designed to guide the students in the development of a project to promote the participation of their Secondary Education school mates in a series of English challenges or quizzes created by them, as well as to raise awareness of the environmental problems and concerns of today's world. Depending on the reading and writing skills of the students, the WebQuest can take from 4 to 6 sessions. Some homework on the part of the students should be expected, too.

The objectives that should be achieved at the end of the WebQuest are:

- To understand online written texts about the environment and the main environmental concerns today in order to answer basic general questions.

- To organise the information collected in order to create different written texts dealing with the topic.

- To write texts in English so that Secondary school students can learn about the main environmental problems surrounding them.

- To create a written quiz so that the Secondary students can take part in it.

- To promote the participation of the students by designing attractive texts and notices and having an active role among them.

- To respect other's contributions and cooperate with the members of a team.

- To use the computer and the Internet in the correct way to find information and expand knowledge.


The didactic guide in Spanish, with all the ducational standars covered, can be downloaded below.


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