
Creating an Eco-Corner for the School



To do this WebQuest you have to follow these instructions very carefully. Your teacher will divide the class into seven groups of two or three people. Each group will work on a particular topic related to the environment. If you don't understand something or if you need help, you can use the online dictionaries and grammar references in the Internet, apart from the resources offered by your teacher.

Each group will work on one of these topics:

a. The three R's.

b. Renewable energies.

c. Littering

d. Air pollution.

e. Plastic pollution.

f. Noise pollution.

g. Light pollution.

These are the activities you have to do:


     Group A: The Three R's

     Surf the websites below and make sure you identify the information you need to answer the following questions:

     1. What are the three R's?

     2. Why are they important? Why should we do them?

     3. Interesting facts related to the three R's.

     4. What advice can you give?

     These are useful websites. You can also surf other sites provided they are written in English:

     Eco Kids USA


     Kids Environment, Kids Health

     The History of the Three R's

     Group B: Renewable Energies

     Surf the websites below and make sure you identify the information you need to answer the following questions:

     1. What are renewable energies?

     2. Why are they important? Why should we use them?

     3. Interesting facts related to renewable energies.

     4. What advice can you give?

     These are useful websites. You can also surf other sites provided they are written in English:

     Renewable Energy in wikipedia

     Alliant Energy Kids

     Ducksters Education Site

     Renewable Energy, National Geographic

     Group C: Littering

     Surf the websites below and make sure you identify the information you need to answer the following questions:

     1. What is littering?

     2. Why is it a problem?

     3. Interesting facts related to littering.

     4. What advice can you give?

     These are useful websites. You can also surf other sites provided they are written in English:

     Litter in Wikipedia

     Conserve Future Energy

       WDC Kidzone


     Group D: Air Pollution

     Surf the websites below and make sure you identify the information you need to answer the following questions:

     1. What is air pollution?

     2. Why is it a problem?

     3. Interesting facts related to air pollution.

     4. What advice can you give?

     These are useful websites. You can also surf other sites provided they are written in English:

     Save the Air

     Duckster Education Site

     Climate Kids Nasa

     Air Pollution Video for Kids

     Group E: Plastic Pollution

     Surf the websites below and make sure you identify the information you need to answer the following questions:

     1. What is plastic pollution?

     2. Why is it a problem?

     3. Interesting facts related to plastic pollution.

     4. What advice can you give?

     These are useful websites. You can also surf other sites provided they are written in English:

     Is Plastic Fantastic?

     The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bottle

     End Plastic Pollution

     Plastic Pollution in Wikipedia

     Group F: Noise Pollution

     Surf the websites below and make sure you identify the information you need to answer the following questions:

     1. What is noise pollution?

     2. Why is it a problem?

     3. Interesting facts related to noise pollution.

     4. What advice can you give?

     These are useful websites. You can also surf other sites provided they are written in English:

     What is Noise Pollution?

     Noise Pollution Lesson for Kids

     Noise Pollution

     Video on Noise Pollution

     Group G: Light Pollution

     Surf the websites below and make sure you identify the information you need to answer the following questions:

     1. What is light pollution?

     2. Why is it a problem?

     3. Interesting facts related to light pollution.

     4. What advice can you give?

     These are useful websites. You can also surf other sites provided they are written in English:

     Light Pollution

     Globe at Night

     Video on Light Pollution

     Cool Facts and Tips on Light Pollution


     Step 1: Rough Work

     Create a series of easy short texts dealing with your topic. The texts should include, among other information, the answers to the four questions above. Bear in mind your readers will be the Secondary school students at your school. Thus, your texts should be clear and easy to understand, apart from well written. Moreover, they should include:

- Short texts.

- Pictures.

- Tables or charts.

     Create the questions for your quiz. Don't forget the answers must be found in your texts. They should have these features:

- Include a total of 5 questions, numbered 1-5.

- Give three options for each question (a, b, c)

     Step 2: Final Product

     Edit and prepare your texts for display. You will be able to use one of the notice boards on both the first and second floors. Don't forget to make them attractive to catch the students' attention.
     Edit and prepare your questions with the options given, which should also be displayed on the noticeboard.





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