
A Different Romeo and Juliet: a WebQuest on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Theatre

Teacher Page


This WebQuest was created to be implemented in an English class of fourth year of compulsory secondary education in Spain, among students that are around 15-16 years old. It has been designed as an obligatory activity once the students  have read an adapted version of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, and as a way to foster their use of the online and paper resources at their disposal.

These are the objectives that should be achieved at the end of the WebQuest:

- To learn about William Shakespeare's life, works and period.

- To read different web sites for specific information.

- To write and speak in English in order to present a poster or perform the final act of a play.

- To listen to others' presentations to get information.

- To use the computer and the Internet as a tool to look for information and expand your knowledge.

- To respect otrhers' contributions and cooperate with the members of a team.

- To enjoy a play and value graphic displays.

Thus, the basic competences that are dealt with are:

- Linguistic and communication competence.

- Data processing competence.

- Social and civic competence.

- Cultural and artistic competence.

- Learning to learn competence.

- Competence in personal autonomy and initiative.

The assessment instruments and criteria are included in the evaluation section.

You can download the didactic guide in Spanish.



The didactic Guide in Spanish, with all the educatinal standards covered, can be downloaded below.


  • Didactic Guide
    Description: This is the didactic guide of the WebQuest (in Spanish)

The Public URL for this WebQuest:
WebQuest Hits: 2,170
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