
A Different Romeo and Juliet: a WebQuest on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Theatre



You will be assessed according to the degree in which you achieve the objectives of this WebQuest. These are the evaluation criteria:

- Know about William Shakespeare's life, works and period.

- Understand different web sites and find specific information.

- Write and speak in English in order to present a poster or perform the invented act of a play.

- Get information from others' oral presentations.

- Use the computer and the Internet in the correct way to find information and expand knowledge.

- Respect others' contributions and cooperate with the members of a team.

- Do projects with artistic value (play and posters).

Thus, the five communicative skills will be evaluated (listening, speaking, conversing, reading and writing) and also the effort you make to work on your own and cooperate with the members of your group. The creativity of your final product will also count. This means that the teacher will assess not only the whole group but also your individual work.

These are the instruments of evaluation: daily observation, pair reports, compositions, script, posters, oral presentations, play performance, quiz, self-assessment sheet, co-evaluation sheet.

Below is the evaluation rubric that will be used:







READING AND WRITING - You don't understand the questions and don't find the information in the Internet. - The information you give is not correct. - The script you write makes no sense. - Your answers are not well formed. - You make a lot of mistakes in your composition or script (vocabulary, spelling, grammar, organization) 0,5 points - You understand some questions and find some answers in the Internet. - Some of your answers are correct. - The script you write is clear. - Few of your answers are well formed. - You make some mistakes in your composition or script (vocabulary, spelling, grammar, organization) 1point - You understand most of the questions and find most of the information you need to answer them. - Most of the information you give is correct. - The script you write has cohesion and coherence. - Most of your answers are well formed. - You make few mistakes in your composition or script (vocabulary, spelling, grammar, organization) 2,5 points - You understand all the questions and find all the information you need to answer them. - All the information you give is correct. - The script you write has cohesion and coherence and is original. - All your answers are well formed. - You don't make mistakes in your composition or script (vocabulary, spelling, grammar, organization) 3,5 points 3,5
LISTENING, SPEAKING AND CONVERSING - You don't pay attention to your classmates' presentations or performance. - You don't understand what they say. - You don't try to use English. - You use Spanish in your presentation. - You need help from your teacher. 0,5 points - You pay some attention to your classmates' presentations or performance. - You understand some of the things they say. - You make an effort to use English. - You use Spanish in your presentation. - You need help from your teacher. 1 point - You pay full attention to your classmates' presentations or performance. - You understand most of the things they say. - You make an effort to say everything in English. - You use some Spanish in your presentation. - You need help from your teacher. 2,5 points - You pay full attention to your classmates' presentations or performance. - You understand everything they say. - You make an effort to say everything in English. - You don't use Spanish in your presentation. - You don't need help from your teacher. 3,5 points 3,5
EFFORT AND COLLABORATION - You never discuss your ideas with your partners. - You never respect your classmates. - You never ask for clarification. - You haven't worked in your group. 0 points - You rarely discuss your ideas with your partners. - You rarely respect your classmates. - You rarely ask for clarification. - You haven't always collaborated with your classmates. 0,5 points - You sometimes discuss your ideas with your partners. - You sometimes respect your classmates. - You sometimes ask for clarification. - You have taken an active role in your group. 1 point - You always discuss your ideas with your partners. - You always respect your classmates. - You always ask for clarification. - You have always taken an active role in your group. 1,5 points 1,5
CREATIVITY AND FINAL PRODUCT - Your project or performance is bad. - Your project doesn't include all the parts (texts, pictures, etc) - The audience could not understand you on the stage. 0 points - Your project or performance is not neat and well done or clear enough. - Your project doesn't include all the parts (texts, pictures, etc) - The audience could not totally understand you on the stage. 0,5 points - Your project or performance is neat and well done and clear enough. - Your project includes most of the parts (texts, pictures, etc) - The audience could understand you on the stage. 1 point - Your project or performance is neat and very well done. - Your project includes all the parts (texts, pictures, etc) - The audience really enjoyed your part. 1,5 points 1,5

Total Score: 10

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