
The Quest of a Lifetime

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This is a marvelous way to engage your students in active learning with Spanish Literature.  Most students love to be the center of attention so they really enjoy the presentation part of this web quest.  Students who act as the audience will have note sheets with prompts on them so they can take good notes on each presentation and ask thoughtful questions after each one is completed.  I have done this project for 25 years and withe technology and the creativity of my students, each year gets better and better.  I encourage all of you to try this or some semblance thereof in the future.   


Interpersonal Communication
SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on engage in and discuss a variety of topics in both oral and written forms of communication. 1. Express and support opinions and elicit those of others. 2. Exchange personal reactions to spoken and written information including contemporary and historical events and global issues. 3. Exchange information from a variety of authentic media sources. SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. 1. Use a full range of vocabulary, structures, and major time frames and moods. 2. Exchange ideas clearly, based on level-appropriate themes. 3. Use paraphrasing, circumlocution, and other creative means to express and comprehend ideas.
Interpretive Communication: Listening and Reading for Understanding
SIV.3 The student will understand spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources. 1. Identify various literary elements, such as plot, theme, setting, and characters, in non-complex spoken and written texts.

2. Understand and respond appropriately to increasingly complex instructions presented in informational materials, such as instructions for completing a customs declaration or interpretation of data.
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Presentational Communication: Speaking and Writing
SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity. 1. Present well-developed ideas on a variety of topics, using familiar vocabulary and language structures and with minimal errors in spelling, punctuation, and pronunciation. 2. Use style, language, and tone appropriate to the audience and the purpose of the presentation.
SIV.5 The student will produce and present in Spanish either student-created or culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, podcasts, and stories on themes of general and personal interest. 1. Produce well-organized presentations, including reports on current events and critiques. 2. Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal presentational techniques, including visual aids and technological support.
Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products
SIV.6 The student will analyze how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. 1. Discuss how the viewpoints, patterns of behavior, and products of Spanishspeaking cultures are interrelated throughout various aspects of everyday life, such as global challenges, advancement of technology, and diversity issues. 2. Engage in authentic or simulated situations that demonstrate understanding of culturally appropriate practices.
Making Connections through Language
SIV.7 The student will use Spanish to demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in the Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. 1. Discuss and evaluate examples of the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking culture(s) found in other subject areas. 2. Compare and contrast topics discussed in other subject areas and those discussed in Spanish class, such as notable authors, artist political systems, and historical events. 3. Use authentic resources to support knowledge related to other subject areas.
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Linguistic and Cultural Comparisons
SIV.8 The student will expand understanding of English and other languages through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. 1. Examine local, regional, and national differences in sound systems, pronunciation, vocabulary, and usage in Spanish-speaking countries and regions and in the United States. 2. Compare linguistic elements of Spanish and English, such as time, tense, and mood, and understand how each language uses different grammatical structures to express these relationships, such as hacer + present tense and pret�rito vs. imperfecto. 3. Compare linguistic elements of Spanish and English, and understand how each language uses different grammatical structures to express these elements.
SIV.9 The student will recognize and discuss aspects of cultural similarities and differences in social, economic, and political relationships in the global community. 1. Analyze the role of culture in the development of relationships between the United States and Spanish-speaking countries and regions. 2. Illustrate how members of Spanish-speaking cultures perceive the United States. 3. Examine local, regional, and national differences in the cultures of Spanishspeaking countries and regions and those of the United States.
Interacting in Global Communities
SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills more extensively and expand cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. 1. Analyze aspects of Spanish-speaking cultures derived from interaction with Spanish speakers, authentic media and technology. 2. Use Spanish resources, such as individuals and organizations in the community or accessible through technology, to increase cultural understanding.
Foreign Language Standa


www.youtube,com www.watchknow.com I would like to thank my instructor, Marie Hone, and my classmates who have helped me through some
www.keepvid.com www.flickr.com very trying times during this process.
www.teachertube.com www.infographics.com


This project takes about 10 days. 5 days devoted to research and development, 3 days for set design and 2 days for presentation. I also recommend videoing the projects so they can critique themselves as well as the others in the class.

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