
Ancient Greece

Teacher Page

Make sure students are given a clear time frame.

Also have books available on each topic as some students prefer to research this way.


Year 7 Content Descriptions

Historical Knowledge and Understanding


The following content is to be taught as part of an overview for the historical period. It is not intended to be taught in depth. An overview will constitute approximately 10% of the total teaching time for the year. Overview content identifies important features of the period, approximately 60 000 BC (BCE) – c.650 AD (CE), as part of an expansive chronology that helps students understand broad patterns of historical change. As such, the overview provides the broader context for the teaching of depth study content and can be built into various parts of a teaching and learning program. This means that overview content can be used to give students an introduction to the historical period; to make the links to and between the depth studies; and to consolidate understanding through a review of the period.

Overview content for the ancient world (Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, Rome, India, China and the Maya) includes the following:
the theory that people moved out of Africa around 60 000 BC (BCE) and migrated to other parts of the world, including Australia.
Critical and creative thinking

the evidence for the emergence and establishment of ancient societies (including art, iconography, writing tools and pottery)
Critical and creative thinking

key features of ancient societies (farming, trade, social classes, religion, rule of law)


Thanks to Angie Madison

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