
Breaking the Language Barrier Using Polynomials

Teacher Page


Who is this for?

This webquest is geared towards 8th grade math students.


How should it be used?

It could be used either as an in-class assignment taking probably 2 to 3 periods, or as a take home assignment.


What do the students need to complete this webquest?

The students need access to a computer with internet access. If many of your students do not have a computer at home, then this should be used as an in-class assignment only.


What NYS Standards does this webquest address?

Mathematics, Science, and Technology Standard 3: Mathematics


Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically; become problem solvers by using appropriate tools and strategies; through the integrated study of number sense and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics and probability.


8.N.1 Develop and apply the laws of exponents for multiplication and division.

8.A.6 Multiply and divide monomials.

8.A.7 Add and subtract polynomials (integer coefficients).

8.A.8 Multiply a binomial by a monomial or a binomial (integer coefficients).

8.A.10 Factor algebraic expressions using the GCF.

8.A.11 Factor a trinomial in the form ax^2+bx+c; a=1 and c having no more than three sets of factors.


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