
Diaries of Colonial America

Teacher Page



Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the colonial period through different character portrayal.

What was your character’s role in the colony?

When were the colonial days?

Why did the explorers come to America?

What were some of the conflicts between the Native Americans and the explorers?

What were some of the conflicts they faced after they had began settling?

What was your character’s role in the Triangular Trade? How did this affect your economical status in America?

Why were slaves important while settling in America during the colonization period?

Why did you choose your character?

 If you could change one thing about your character’s position in the colony, what would it be and why?

(by position, I mean how you were treated, resources that may or may not have been available to you because you were a certain character, if you would have choose to do something different knowing what the outcome would have been, etc.)



SS.5.A.4.1 Identify the economic, political and socio-cultural motivation for colonial settlement.
SS.5.A.4.5 Explain the importance of Triangular Trade linking Africa, the West Indies, the British Colonies, and Europe.
SS.5.A.4.6 Describe the introduction, impact, and role of slavery in the colonies.
LACC.5.W.3.7 Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
LACC.5.RL.2.6 Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.

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