
Diaries of Colonial America



This project has a individual portion and a group assignment.  The rubric below will include all your work both individually and within the group.   Be sure to look at the rubric BEFORE you begin your research.

Evaluation Rubric

  Low Nearly Meets Meets Exceeds Score

Researches the chosen Character chosen. Shows knowledge of character and and answers important information from the guideline.   Incomplete section of the journal. Does not include example or relevant information. Gathers and summarizes some relevant information and completes journal. Uses bullets rather than paragraphs and has some convention errors. Includes some recommended questions. Gathers and summarizes relevant information and completes journal.  Uses complete sentences, paragraphs, and has few convention errors. Includes all the recommended questions.
Gathers and summarizes relevant information and completes journal. Uses complete sentences, paragraphs, and has no convention errors. Includes all the recommended questions plus some extra information going above and beyond.

Produces a creative journal appropriate for the character its relaying.
Journal  is incomplete OR does not relate to a specific character.
Creates original journal using little creativity and neatness. Difficult to relate to the character  being  researched. Creates original journal using creativity and neatness. Journal relates to the character being researched. Creates original journal  using creativity and neatness. Journal relates to the character being researched.  The journal is creatively thought out.

Presents an accurate presentation of the character chosen during the group skit.  Costume is appropriate to character being portrayed.
Does not accurately present character. Does not have a costume. Presents character demonstrating some knowledge of the relevance to group. Uses limited facts and details. Expresses character but does not explain its significance. Shows little evidence of a costume.
Demonstrates knowledge of character  by using relevant facts and details. Explains  its significance with the colonial times and how they related to other group members.Has a costume that portrays the character.
Demonstrates extensive knowledge of character by using relevant facts and descriptive details. Explains its significance with the colonial times and how they related to other group members.Has a costume the portrays the character and goes beyond expectation on creativity.

Works cooperatively within group.  Helps group member with costumes when done with own.  Uses class time effectively.  Works with group in creating the diary.  Does not manage time without constant re-direction from teacher. Does not work cooperatively with team. Somewhat manages time while working independently on research, working on journal, and while working on costume. Often needs re-direction from teacher. Effectively manages time while working independently on research, manages time working on journal, and works independently on costume as appropriate. Needs little re-direction from teacher. Effectively manages time while working independently on research, manages time working on journal, and works independently on costume as appropriate. Needs NO re-direction from teacher. 20

Total Score: 80


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