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This project
has specific objectives that are in line with Georgia Performance Standards.  Our WebQuest was intended for eighth grade Georgia students. This WebQuest collaboration between history and english courses taught in the eighth grade. Eighth grade
English,  focuses on Georgia authors and improving writing skills, preparing for the CRCT and GWA. Georgia history, taught in the eight grade has a focus on Civil Rights and it's impact world wide.
  Through analyzing the text, theWebQuest, and the assignments students will have addressed multiple facets of Georgia Performance Standards.   The following objectives from the Georgia Performance
Standards both in English and history are a focus in this project:


ELA8R1 The student demonstrates comprehension and
shows evidence of a

and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational


For literary
texts, the student identifies the characteristics of various genres

and produces
evidence of reading that:

c. Analyzes a
character’s traits, emotions, or motivations and gives supporting

evidence from the

d)Compares and
contrasts motivations and reactions of literary characters from

historical eras confronting similar situations or conflicts.

h. Analyzes and
evaluates how an author’s use of words creates tone and mood

and provides
supporting details from text.


ELA8R4 The student acquires knowledge of Georgia
authors and significant text

created by
them. The student

c. Identifies
award winning Georgia authors.

d. Examines
texts from different genres (e.g. picture books, poetry, short stories,

novels, essays,
informational writing, and dramatic literature) created by Georgia

authors. e. Relates literary works created by Georgia authors to
historical settings and or


f. Explains how
Georgia is reflected in a literary work through setting,

historical context, or current events.


ELA8W1 The student
produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets
a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and
signals a satisfying closure. The student

b. Writes texts
of a length appropriate to address the topic or tell the story.

c. Uses
traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological

order, cause
and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a


e. Supports
statements and claims with anecdotes, descriptions, facts and statistics,

and specific examples.


ELA8W2. The student demonstrates competence
in a variety of genres.

The student
produces a narrative (fictional, personal, experiential) that:

c. Relates a
clear, coherent incident, event, or situation by using well-chosen


d. Reveals the
significance of the writer’s attitude about the subject.


The student
produces writing (multi-paragraph expository composition such

as description,
explanation, comparison and contrast, or problem and solution) that:

a. Engages the
reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker’s voice, and

developing reader interest.

b. Develops a
controlling idea that conveys a perspective on the subject.

c. Creates an
organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.


The student
produces a response to literature that:

a. Engages the
reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker’s voice, or otherwise

reader interest.

b. Demonstrates
an understanding of the literary work.


The student
produces a multi-paragraph persuasive essay that:

a. Engages the
reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker’s voice, and

developing reader interest.

b. States a
clear position or perspective in support of a proposition or proposal.

c. Creates an
organizing structure that is appropriate to the needs, values, and

interests of a
specified audience, and arranges details, reasons, and examples.

d. Includes
appropriate relevant information and arguments.

e. Excludes
information and arguments that are irrelevant.


ELA8W4 The student consistently uses the writing
process to develop, revise,

and evaluate
writing. The student

a. Plans and
drafts independently and resourcefully.

b. Revises
writing for appropriate organization, consistent point of view, and

between paragraphs, passages, and ideas.

c. Edits writing
to improve word choice, grammar, punctuation, etc.


SS8H7 The student will
evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia
between 1877 and 1918.

b. Analyze how
rights were denied to African-Americans through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v.
Ferguson, disenfranchisement, and racial violence.


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