
Medieval Times



  You will complete activities at each step along the way to progress through the following positions of Medieval life:  

          Males:      1.  serf     2. knight   3.  king  

          Females:   1.  serf     2. lady      3.  queen

     Your first task is to research the Feudal System.  You must learn all you can about life on a manor and in Medieval towns.  You must also research and record information about art, music, literature, and architecture of Medieval Times.  The life of a serf was extremely harsh.  As a serf, you must work diligently and take precaution to not anger the lady of the manor! 

     To advance to the position of knight or lady, you must take notes and record your findings in a Word table which will be provided in the Process section of this WebQuest.  The table must be presented to and approved by the lady of the manor (aka Teacher).

Knight or Lady            

     As a knight or lady, you will research the causes and effects of Black Death.  You must locate a website which displays the spread of Black Death on a map.  You must also be able to describe how it spread.  Watch for symptoms as you are exposed to this deadly disease!

      Another task as a knight or lady is to research the Crusades.  On your pilgrimage you will discover the causes and effects of the Crusades.  You will learn reasons why various people joined the Crusades.  Even though the Crusades failed from a military standpoint, you will see why they were important for Europeans.

     Hear ye!  Hear ye!  You are now in a processional ceremony to be crowned king or queen!

King or Queen

     To become a virtuous king or queen you must be sympathetic of the living conditions of your loyal subjects.  You will research daily living in Medieval times.  Prepare yourself to become a citizen in  a Medieval town or manor by choosing a role to research.  Even though you were officially pronounced king or queen, you must experience Medieval life through the eyes of a peasant, nun, monk, merchant, knight, lady, or lord.   

     You will describe your life in this role by writing in a daily journal.   Once your journal is approved, you will be ready to participate in a group project to answer the big question:


What was life REALLY like in Medieval times, and what do we know now that could have made their lives better ?


Are you ready to test your ability as a serf? 

If the answer is "Yes", go on to the Process Section.


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