
Medieval Times



Since this WebQuest is quite intricate, you will be assessed throughout the process.  Individual assessments include: 

  • Word table completed during your serfdom.
  • Cause and effect diagrams of Black Death and the Crusades.
  • Daily journal pages written as a king or queen (based on roles of peasant, nun, monk, merchant, knight, lady, or lord).

         Since this WebQuest is quite intricate, you will be assessed throughout the process.  Individual assessments include: 

    • Word table completed during your serfdom.
    • Cause and effect diagrams of Black Death and the Crusades.
    • Daily journal pages written as a king or queen (based on roles of peasant, nun, monk, merchant, knight, lady, or lord).

         The following rubric will be used to assess the group plays:


    Medieval Times Reality Adventure

    Group Play Rubric


    Title of Play_______________________________________                     Date___________


    Group members: __________________________________________________________________________         














    Problem and solution

    Problem chosen is not significant, and the solution is unacceptable.

    Significant problem is selected, but the solution is not logical.

    Significant problem is selected with a logical solution.

    Significant problem with a logical and exceptional solution is presented in the play.


    Occupation to transport into the past

    Occupation chosen is not relevant to the problem. 

    Occupation is relevant to the problem but is not adequately written into the script.

    Script displays an adequate understanding of that occupation's importance to the solution of the problem.

    Script displays an exemplary understanding of that occupation's importance to the solution of the problem.


    Method of time travel

    Method of time travel is not mentioned in the script.

    Method of time travel is briefly mentioned in the script.

    Adequate method selected to describe how the character was transported to Medieval Times.

    Creative method selected to describe how the character was transported to Medieval Times.



    Characters are not portrayed accurately in the script.

    Characters from today and the past are historically accurate but not believable.

    Characters from today and the past are historically accurate and believable.

    Characters from today and the past are historically accurate, believable,  and creatively written into the script.


    Group cohesiveness and effort

    Group members do not work well together.   Little or no effort is given to completing the project.

    Group members are sharing the tasks, but minimal effort is given to completing the project.

    Group members are all on task, work is divided equally, and adequate effort is given completing to the project.

    Group members work well together, stay on task, and exemplary effort is given to completing the project.



    Script is poorly written and does not portray Medieval times accurately.

    Script has little voice and does not use varied word choices, but portrays Medieval times accurately.

    Script is has voice, varied word choices, and portrays Medieval times accurately.

    Script is creative, has voice, varied word choice, and shows insight into Medieval life and times.


    WebQuest comprehension

    No evidence of WebQuest comprehension is presented.

    Little evidence of WebQuest comprehension is presented.

    Adequate  WebQuest comprehension is portrayed in the script.

    Exemplary  WebQuest comprehension is portrayed in the script.


    Research technology

    No evidence of researched information is included  in script.

    Little research was used to develop the script.

    Adequate research is portrayed in script.

    Exemplary evidence of using information gained through research is portrayed in script.


    Publishing technology

    Script has many typing errors with a poorly chosen font. Dialogue changes and stage directions are difficult to distinguish.

    Script has few typing errors, but the font is difficult to read.  Dialogue and stage direction changes are difficult to distinguish

    Script has few typing errors.  The font is well chosen, but the dialogue and stage direction changes are difficult to distinguish.

    Script has very few or no typing errors and has a font that is easy to read.  Dialogue and stage directions are clear and easy to follow.



    Actors’ verbal and nonverbal communication are weak, making the play difficult to follow.

    Actors’ verbal and nonverbal communication are clear but do not show emotion, timing, and tone.  The volume is weak.

    Actors’ verbal and nonverbal communication show emotion, effective timing, and tone.  The volume is weak.

    Actors’ verbal and nonverbal communication are exemplary.  They display emotion and use effective timing, volume, and tone.


    # Score

    Total Score:

    The Public URL for this WebQuest:
    WebQuest Hits: 4,891
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