
Medieval Times



Let your serfdom begin!

     You must begin your journey back in time!  Your task as a serf is the most difficult of all.  The following websites can prove to be of great value in accomplishing your task.  There is a wealth of information stored in them.  After you have gathered all the information you want from a link, use the back button on your browser to return to Medieval Times Reality Adventure.

Medieval Times Resources by Georgetown University

Knighthood, Chivalry, and Tournaments Resource Library

     Copy and paste this table into a Word document to record your notes.  Once it is copied and pasted, click "Table" in the toolbar, select "table properties", then "options", and make sure there is not a checkmark by the words "automatically resize to fit contents".  If there is a checkmark there, click it to make it disappear!  The columns will expand vertically to allow you to enter more information in each section without losing the shape of the table.  Each section must contain valuable information to receive full credit.  (Ask to see the lady of the manor if you need help using the table.)  Remember, it must be presented to the lady of the manor before you can progress to the next position!





What I Learned About the Topics

Feudal System

Manor Life

Medieval Towns




Architecture (Include Castles!)









     Explore art, literature, architecture, and daily living in the Middle Ages:


Middle Ages Internet Links

Medieval Life 

Castles Learning Center

Episodes of Medieval History

Medieval England--Medieval Towns

Medieval and Early Christian Art   

Medieval Art 

Kids' Castle


     Listen to the music of the time:  Magnatune Medieval Collections




     The following website shows pictures of Medieval instruments, and you can hear how they sound.  Each page has links to other websites with information about the instruments.

Medieval Instruments




You have turned in your completed table to attain the position of  Knight or Lady

     Beware of becoming exposed to Black Death as you continue your quest.  You must learn where it began, how it spread, symptoms, and everything you can learn about it to prevent spreading it to your classmates.  Below are listed some websites to help you

Middle Ages Internet Links

"Black Death," Microcoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2003


     You must also learn the causes and effects of the Crusades.  In your quest it is imperative that you learn how many Crusades there were and the outcome of each.  Use these sources to gather information:


Medieval Times Resources by Georgetown University

Middle Ages Internet Links

Knights & Castles, from The Time Traveler Series, by Jane Pofahl

The Middle Ages, History of Civilization by Tim McNeese

     When you complete your research about Black Death and the Crusades, create cause and effect diagrams of each.  You must tell reasons why various people joined the Crusades and why they were important for Europeans.   Present your diagrams to the lady of the manor for permission to advance to the next position.




You have the reached the social status of

King or Queen

     You must research the daily lives of your subjects by assuming the role of a peasant, nun, monk, merchant, knight, lady, or lord.  Understanding their living conditions is a priority.  As you see Medieval life through their eyes, keep a daily journal of your experiences as a peasant, nun, monk, merchant, knight, lady, or lord.  Be sure to include information about each of these that is appropriate for your role:  your home, food, family ties, clothing, farming, trading, travels, sports and games, government, schooling, and religion.

     The websites and reading materials listed below each role will provide all the information you need to complete this part of the WebQuest:


The Middle Ages

Step Back in Time Some 800 Years

Middle Ages, What Was It Really Like?


Nun or Monk

The Middle Ages

Step Back in Time Some 800 Years

Middle Ages, What Was It Really Like?





The Middle Ages

Middle Ages, What Was It Really Like?



The Middle Ages

Middle Ages, What Was It Really Like?

Knighthood, Chivalry, and Tournaments Resource Library



Step Back in Time Some 800 Years

Middle Ages, What Was It Really Like?



Step Back in Time Some 800 Years

Middle Ages, What Was It Really Like?



     Present your journal to the lady of the manor and prepare to work with a group on the final project.  Gather all materials you have created in this quest.  You will refer to them for your final contribution to the mission.


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