
Cold War Foreign Policy Webquest



During this activity, you will accomplish several goals:

  • Organize a timeline of key events of the Cold War that had an international connection to the U.S.
  • Research several major events and analyze the cause and effect of America's foreign policy decisions
  • Utilizing the events you choose, decide whether American foreign policy during the Cold War was a success or failure, in other words, did the U.S. contain communism?

This activity will apply the following GSE:

SSUSH20 Analyze U.S. international and domestic policies including their influences on
technological advancements and social changes during the Truman and Eisenhower

SSUSH21 Analyze U.S. international and domestic policies including their influences on
technological advancements and social changes during the Kennedy and Johnson

SSUSH22 Analyze U.S. international and domestic policies including their influences on
technological advancements and social changes during the Nixon, Ford, and Carter

SSUSH23 Assess the political, economic, and technological changes during the Reagan,
George H.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama administrations

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