
Cold War Foreign Policy Webquest



See rubric below for how your webquest will be graded.


# Beginning (10pts) Advancing (15pts) Meets (20pts) Exceeds (25pts) Score
Does the timeline provide accurate and sufficient information? Timeline does not have enough events, nor information to provide sufficient research. Timeline provides some information, but does not outline enough information to help write an opinion. Timeline has sufficient events, information, and research to aid in developing an opinion. Timeline has more events, information and research than required and provides ample research for an opinion. /25
Do the paragraphs explain the three events in regards to impact during the period and what America's response was? Fewer than three paragraphs and do not explain America's role and decision in events. At least three paragraphs, however Americas role is unclear or not explained in sufficient details. At least three paragraphs and America's role and decision are clear, well thought out, and explained. At least three paragraphs and America's role is analyzed through connections or synthesis to world context and events. /25
Do the research expositions explain the author's opinion on America's decisions and success in containing communism? Expositions are too short and/or do not explain the authors opinion on either matter. Expositions are of proper length but only explain one opinion pertaining to decisions made or success in containing communism. Expositions provide insight into author's opinion on America's Cold War decisions and success in containing communism. Exposition provides in-depth analysis on author's opinion on both topics and contributes to other opinions as well with examination and questions. /25
Does the bibliography provide accurate citations and recognition of used sources. Bibliography is absent altogether. Bibliography is present, but cited incorrectly. Bibliography is cited correctly, however insufficient sources are provided. Bibliography is cited correctly and sufficient sources are provided. /25

Total Score: /100

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