
Lemons and Limes O' My



Scenario: You are a very talented advertiser, working for one of the most prestigious cosmetic and hair care companies in the world. You have received a memo from your boss, informing you that you have been assigned to a top secret advertisement. It is your job to create an advertisement for a shampoo that is "pH balanced." This could be a shampoo that's currently on the market, or one that YOU create. The focus of the advertisement should be on the science of the shampoo: What about the chemistry of the shampoo makes it the best out there?


You will be working with your team to include the following in your advertisement:

*Name of the shampoo
*Information about the chemistry of the shampoo (e.g., pH), and how this impacts the quality of the shampoo
*Sufficient background information about the chemistry (e.g., pH), so that general audiences can understand the advertisement
*Stress why it important to know the pH of hair shampoos and conditioners
*Be creative!!

Your advertisement can be in the form of a poster, brochure, commercial, actual bottle or anything else that you can think of as long as it gets APPROVED by me first!

Now, to better prepare yourself on important information that you will need to accurately "pitch" your product and keep your job you will start with the fundamentals of acids and bases, pH calculations, buffers, and titrations.



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