
Let's Learn About Identity Theft!



Here's your scenario...

You and your friends love spending time with one another by going out for lunch or dinner at least once a week. You typically pay for your meal with cash, but this week you have to pay with your debit card because you didn't have time to swing by the ATM when you usually do. Since you aren't used to paying with your card, you happen to leave your receipt at the table, displaying your account number and signature to other customers.

When you receive your next banking statement, you see that you spent hundreds of dollars by doing some online shopping. But wait... you don't ever online shop! Something isn't right... You realize that there must be some mistake, and that someone else must have found a way to use your card for their personal spending.

Here's your task...

Spend some quality time researching all you can about identity theft by using the links provided (and more!) found in the 'Process' section. As you explore, think about and identify the ways that you could become a victim and be harmed by an identity thief. Also find ways that you can best protect yourself from identity theft.

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