
Benjamin Franklin



We are now ready to start on your book about Benjamin Franklin.
If you need help please ask the me for help. You will also be allowed library time for your research as well as library help.

To start your first task.....
1. You will need to visit the following website: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/benfranklin/index.html
2. You will find a spot on the bottom of page called "timeline of my life"
3. Click on timeline to help create your own
4. You will write down the information as well as the years listed
5. You will need pencil and consrtuction paper or you may use colored pencils if you perfer.

To start your second task....
1. You will need the copy of the world map worksheet. (Teacher will provide)
2. You will need to go to the following website to obtain the information needed: http://www.pbs.org/benfranklin/exp_worldly_map.html
3. You will need to click on each of the years (1706, 1735, 1765, 1780, 1790) to show the places traveled in those years.
4. Using the key you will notice that the black dots are the places he traveled to those are the only ones you need to mark and write down
5. As you click on the years the previous years will still be shown on the map.

To start your third task.....
1. You will need construction paper, pencil, and crayons or colored pencils
2. Use the following wesites to chose an invention to sketch: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/benfranklin/index.html
3. Click on "inventions"
4. Chose one of the inventions and draw what you you think it looked like then and what you think it looks like now
5. Be creative
6. Write two facts about the invention
7. Decidewhat you would charge someone today for the invention

To Start your fourth task.....
1. You will need to paper (teacher will provide writing paper) and pencil
2. You can use the following websites for information: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/benfranklin/index.html
3. Do not write directly from the website. Put facts in your words.
4. You and your partner need to chose 2 - 3 facts each, to contribute to the paper
5. Write a one page paper on Benjamin Franklin
6. Use appropriate writing skills

To start your fifth task....
1. Teacher will hand out the multiple choice worksheet to each student
2. You will need to use the following website to help with finding the answers to the questions:http://bensguide.gpo.gov/benfranklin/index.html
*The parenthesis tells you were to find the answer to each question
 3. Once your are finished you may collect a piece of construction paper for the cover sheet of your book.
4. You will need crayons or colored pencils
5. If you would like to use a clipart ask the teacher for assistance (You will need scissors and glue for this)
6. Once you are finished I will come around and staple your book together
7. Turn book in to teacher for grading

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