
School : Mental Health



Task 1

You have a history of mental health issues within your family. Your mother was diagnosed depressed, your uncle has an anxiety disorder and your sister has an eating disorder. You will need to research the different warning signs for each of these illnesses making a list for each of the illnesses. The point of this assignment is to help you better understand the warning signs for different illnesses to know when you need to talk with someone that may possibly have a mental illness. 

Task 2

Your 17-year-old daughter was diagnosed with an eating disorder about a year ago. You have been taking this time to research if there are ways to prevent eating disorders and you might have been able to do differently. Take this time to create a conversation with your spouse on how you would discuss changes you could make to prevent an eating disorder in your other children. After previous visits with doctors, she has been clean from her illness for some time now, but you've noticed some changes within your child. Write a letter to your daughter pointing out some of the relapse symptoms that worry you and discuss getting her help. 

Task 3

After your daughter was diagnosed it hit you hard that you might possibly be at fault for her eating disorder so you started going to support groups for parents with children who have mental illnesses.  Your weekly assignment for the group was to go home and write down points you feel like parents should make while having this discussion with their children. Making sure to add in some of the myths about mental illnesses. 






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