


You will be working in pairs to complete these tasks.  These pairs have been chosen by your teacher.  All of the tasks will be kept in your pair journal.  One journal will be kept per pair.  This journal will be a one subject marble-backed notebook provided by your teacher.  Included on the inside cover of the journal is a word bank to help you through the webquest tasks.


Day 1 

A Letter to Mrs. Smith


Day 2

History through Quilt Making



Day 3 

How to Make a Quilt



Day 4 

Examine Quilt Squares Patterns

  • Select two quilt squares from the following website to analyze.  http://home.howstuffworks.com/traditional-quilt-blocks.htm
  • Print out your two quilt square choices and pick up the Geomoetry In Quilts worksheet from the work table.
  • Use your printed quilt squares to complete the worksheet. 
  • Glue the completed worksheet into your journal.



Day 5 

Color My Quilt

  • Print out the color wheel worksheet at the bottom of the page.
  • Use the information on the following website to define the words on the color wheel worksheet.  http://www.colormatters.com/colortheory.html
  • Choose two complementary colors for your quilt. 
  • Select two fabrics of these colors from the fabric box in the classroom.
  • Glue your color wheel worksheet and a swatch of your selected fabric into your journal.



Day 6 

Create a Quilt Square on the Web



Day 7 

Make a Pattern

  • Cut apart the shapes in your template.
  • Create a pattern on tracing paper by adding 1/2 inch to each dimension of the shapes. See the examples and the reference book Quiltmaking for Beginners by Lynn Kough on the work table if you need help.
  • Cut out the pattern.
  • Pin the pattern to the proper colored fabric.
  • Cut the fabric.
  • Pick up and complete a reflection sheet (each partner) from the work table. 
  • Turn in the reflection sheet.
  • Upon return of these sheets, glue them into your journal.



Day 8 

Sew It Up

  • Pin the pattern pieces together so that a 1/4 inch seam is left for stiching.
  • Take turns sewing your square.
  • Pick up and complete a reflection sheet (each partner) from the work table.
  • Turn in the reflection sheet.
  • Upon return of these sheets, glue them into your journal.




Day 9 

Explaining the Process

  • Use the writing process steps on the following website to construct an essay explaining how you made your quilt square.  Explain the steps as well as how and why you chose your color scheme and design.  You must include at least five math vocabulary words from the word bank.  Name at least five pieces of new learning you and your partner gained as a result of this task.  http://www.ezwebsite.org/Photos/files112/5%20Steps%20of%20the%20Writing%20Process%20chart.doc
  • Print out your final copy.
  • Glue all of your steps of the writing process into your journal.



Day 10 

"Present" It

  • Find your presentation time on the list on the bulletin board.
  • Practice reading your essay to the class.  Each partner should have some speaking to do.
  • Each partner should complete a PQP (Praise, Question, Polish) sheet about another group's quilt square during the presentations.  Your teacher will pass this out to you before the presentations.
  • Glue the PQP sheets into your journal.
  • Turn your journal and quilt square in to your teacher following your presentation.

Congratulations!  You have completed your task.  Our 8th grade team's sewing club will sew the quilt squares together and put the finishing touches on our class quilt. You should feel a sense of pride as you have helped create a wonderful keepsake for Mrs. Smith for her retirement.


  • File
    Description: Process Map

  • File
    Description: Outline Template

  • File
    Description: Color Wheel Worksheet

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